Kircher Wedding     
Sept. 26, 2008

On Friday September 26th Amanda Jurczykowski (did I miss any consonants) and Chris Kircher got married in St. Joseph's Church in Camden New Jersey .

Camden New Jersey?




Yes. Camden New Jersey. Amanda's parents were married in the same church, by the same priest in 1963.

As you can see, once inside it was beautiful.   

The cutest little flower girl and her accompanying ring bearers. 

The lovely bride and her father - Leonard. 

Check out the train. 

Obviously it was a Catholic service, so there was a lot of sitting, standing and kneeling.

The bride's side was very well practiced, the groom's side (the side we were on), wasn't so smooth with all the ceremonial activities. 

Amanda and Chris exchanging their vows.

Wedding pictures in a church are so difficult. The sanctuary is generally dark and the size usually swallows any flash you might try. Switching over to time exposure gets enough light, but then there's always the photographer to deal with. 

Yay! It's done. I present you Mr. and Mrs. Kirch.  

The reception was held at Cairnwood two hours after the ceremony ended, so Jen and I made a little stop along the way .

In preparation for the scheduled down time, Jen found a little pub called Beth Ayres Tavern advertising many good ales on tap.

We walked into this little blue collar joint wearing our "Sunday Best", and I swear the juke box stopped as everyone turned to see who we were and why we made the mistake of interfering with their Friday happy hour.

With Steve Long's mantra in the back of my head "Walk in like you own the place!" we headed for some empty stools and ordered beers like you would in any bar.

The juke box started playing again and everyone went back to their routines. We pulled it off so well the guy next to Jen started talking politics, while I talked music with the guy next to me. We finished our second round and left with polite nods and thanks for good conversation.    

Jay, looking dapper, was outside directing traffic. He thought he was cool with his Sam Adams October Fest, until he heard about our little pub adventure. 

Guests and friends mingling inside Cairnwood.

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