Seven Springs Downhill Adventure     
Sept. 20, 2008

This was part of the Blue trail or 007 I think it's called. It had a lot of berms, jumps and stutter bumps. It was really fast, but not very technical. 

This is the bottom of EC1 one of the expert runs. I tried this little section early on, but totally fumbled. It's way steep and looked really loose.

I didn't feel I had ridden enough this year to have the confidence or skill to make it down this without putting my teeth through my face. Having it directly below the lift didn't help either. It's bad enough to put holes in your face, but to have everyone watching would have been bad.

Ben thought otherwise. He continually harassed me to ride the trail. I refused. I accepted I just couldn't/shouldn't do it and was fine with that.

Eventually he won. I rode it, quite easily too, and kept riding it the rest of the day. It really wasn't that bad. I wanted to hit the rock drop you see on the left, but the opportunity never presented itself. I'll get it next time for sure. 

More lift riding. 

One of the little table tops near the top of the mountain. In the beginning we could barely clear it. By the end we were scrubbing speed to make sure we didn't overshoot the thing entirely. 

Not long after the table top was this neat feature. It was a gapped jump up to a wooden platform. Scary looking stuff. 

Here you can see the gap from the lip of the jump to the platform. Also the differences in height. The height of the platform was at least to your shoulders.

I watched Ben and a couple other people do it before I would try it. Sure enough, it wasn't as hard as it looked. Though one time I screwed up and slid off the side of the jump.

By the end of the day, I hitting the jump hard enough to actually land halfway across the platform. I would be in the air long enough to notice it and giggle to myself. 

The other side of the platform was a drop to a transition. Though you can't quite see it, the next jump Ben is setting up for was another gap jump. It wasn't huge, but you had to be prepared from the time you hit the platform to make the gap or land hard in between. 

Further down the hill was this rock drop. Again I let Ben hit it a couple times before I tried. Once I did, it was as easy as the others before.

Unfortunately we didn't realize till the end of the day we were hitting this all wrong. We were simply riding off the rock and dropping to the transition. We saw some other guy actually launch from the beginning of the rock (there's a lip) and clear the whole thing. Next time we'll try that. 

This was the bottom of the course. It ended with three progressively larger table tops. We tried and tried to clear them (we saw it could be done), but never quite had the technique or speed.

Maybe next time.

The last one was ridiculous. The lip was about head height and went vertical. Every time I rode up to it I thought "there's no way", then I'd be flying through the air looking for the transition.

Unfortunately we never stopped to take a picture of ourselves hitting these. 

We were supposed to drive home Saturday night, but after an afternoon of hurtling ourselves down the mountainside, we were too tired. We decided to stay the nigtht at the condo and leave in the morning.

Mmmm Beef and bean burrito - our shared appetizer for dinner.

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