April 2006


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Our new house has about an acre of land with some nice gardens in it. Since I can't tell the difference between a weed and a plant my Mom came out to help. Unfortunately she brought the rain with her. Every time. Bob didn't think that we would get anything done since it was a torrential downpour but my Mom was determined. There were weeds out there and they needed to be pulled. So I asked Bob to leave out the rain suits just in case.

Here's my Mom with 2 of the bucketfuls of weeds that we pulled. Actually, we lost count of the number of buckets. 

Mother and daughter .

Behind our house there is Pachysandra which was being choked out by these weeds with little white flowers on top. I wish I knew what they were called but we pulled up hundreds of them. If only the Pachysandra would grow so well.


Here's the Weeds. Anyone know what they're called?


Here's the weed free Pachysandra.  

At the end of the day we were covered in mud.

I quit before my Mom. I was tired and wet and took this self portrait.

The next day dried up so we went out and bought some herbs.

We took the dirt out of the old pots and sifted out the rocks and debris.

 We had quite the operation going on. I think we potted up all of the herbs plus about a half dozen other house plants.

Here are the herbs potted up and ready to go .

Here they are on the front stoop. All in all a very productive weekend.


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