Water Heater/Misc
January 2006


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Here's the overall shot of the water heater and the cold coming in.  

Close up of hot and cold.

Close up of cold and cold water shut-off valve. 

I don't know what the hell this is all about. 

This is how the dishwasher was/is wired. Is this ok?

I cut a piece of luan to go under the dishwasher, but the silicone caulk along the edges of the cavity (view in above picture) sort of held the
luan off the ground. I put this little spacer piece in the middle in the frong (it's only 2" deep). Is this ok, or should I go back and trim the full
luan piece to fit within the silicone caulk?  The height the silicone gives the luan is perfect for the overall height of the dishwasher. Ideally I
should have two pieces of luan (or one piece of half inch plywood) cut to fit within the caulk and put the dishwasher on that. I figure it's just
a dishwasher - it's not that heavy and it doesn't move much. 

We moved the stairs operation upstairs where it's warmer.

Here's the fan in the main bathroom with insulated exhaust duct.

Here's the fan in the master bathroom with insulated exhaust duct        

Here's the fan in the kitchen with insulated exhaust duct. I'm considering insulation around and overtop the fan housings. The insulation
instructions say not to, but I don't see the housings getting that warm.

Here's why we want to put in that huge picture window in our eat-in-kitchen.


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