Car Camping Jim Thorpe, PA
October 14 - 16, 2005


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After having such a good time last year, we decided to head back to Jim Thorpe for another fall car camping trip. Like last year we stayed at the Jim Thorpe campground ( Jim Thorpe, PA. ).

This wasn't as ambitious a trip for some of us as it was last year. After spending the last month dealing
with buying cars and houses, Jen and I decided to relax around the campfire saturday instead of go hiking
all around the Lehigh valleys.

J thought relaxing was an excellent idea and stayed at camp with us.

Once we got the fire good and stoked, we could sit back and enjoy some beers.

Heavy contemplation is a great companion to a nice cold can of Pabst. 

With a Yuengling Black & Tan, the best you can do is pretend you're in heavy contemplation.

Our campsite was next to a Trout hatchery, which in itself isn't very exciting, though this sign at the
hatchery spillway was interesting. What is it about baby trout that makes the water toxic?  Some guy
came along to feed them, but looked like he'd spent a little too much time in the water himself to risk
asking him what it meant.

J sitting down to prepare his world famous camp potatoes. .     

Sunday morning it was Jeff and Sarah's job to make breakfast for everyone. They made the tastiest
pancakes I'd ever had. They were actually crispy along the edges. Jeff also did a great job on the bacon.
It's not easy getting bacon just right and so much of it - exactly 2.5 pieces per person.

Packing up to head home. It's important to get all the dirt out of your tent before you pack it up.

Jeff practicing his Zoolander model look?


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