Kokopeli & Porcupine Rim Trails
April 28, 2006


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When we picked up our bikes at the shop the day before, the guy told us about a shuttle they were runinng to a new trail that connected to the Porcupine Rim trail. The new one was called the Kokopeli and added eight miles of singletrack to the Porcupine Rim trail.  Our original plan was to suffer the climb to the start of the Porucpine Rim and ride it back to town, but why suffer when we can enjoy eight miles of new singletrack?  So we showed up and loaded up to head to the top. Here we are at the trailhead.

We had gone up a little over 4,000 ft from Moab to a little over 8,000ft into the La Salles. As you can see it was a little chilly up here. Behind
me you can just make out the towers in Castle Valley. A little furthor down the trail, we'll get a lot closer.

This was the closest we would get to the La Salles all weekend. On my previous trip to Moab, we actually drove up into the snow at 10,000ft. 

The Kokopeli was a blast. It was mostly downhill and singletrack with some interesting technical sections thrown in. Overall the entire ride
was going to be downhill.   

Craig taking some pictures of us on the Kokopli. Here's jeff - feeling better than the day before.

The trail ran very close to the canyon edge in many spots. Most of the time we didn't pay attention and blasted on down the trail, but
sometimes the view was just too spectacular. We were still pretty high up at this point, as I appear to be a little chilled.

Already a few miles from the starting point in the snowy mts. We were really surprised at the number of people that shuttled up with us in full
downhill gear. They had fullface helmets, elbow pads, shin and knee pads. It was crazy. After passing most of them on one of the short
climbs we never saw them again.

You can see just how close the trail is to the edge. Looking at the topos, I think it's a 1,000ft drop.

Speaking of drop... Near the end of the Kokepeli we came to this sharp turn that dropped off a ledge then ran down this steep slippery trail.
My posture almost indicates how hard it was for us to even walk down it. While discussing at the bottom how impossible it would be to ride
this thing some guy on a downhill rig did just that. I didn't quite see him at the top on the turning drop, but he smoothly rolled down the rest
of it. He wasn't in the group that shuttled up with us and we never saw him again, so he obviously knew the place well.   


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