Weekly Pictures from 2008
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Got the outside lights up.

Halfway looks like I was drunk when I did it. Unfortunately I was not.        

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It's like a giant experiment and now we're apart of it.        

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The bonfire was a success! All the food was eaten, most of the beer drunk and a good time was had by all.

At least I think so. We're still in the process of recovery.        

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The leaves are coming down now.       

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The leaves are definititely past peak.

Time to spend hours and hours raking and mulching before the cold rains of winter set in.       

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Our vacation in Stowe, VT was pretty cool.

We had this semi-friendly moose to keep us company. Semi-friendly in the sense that it kept coming around. It didn't like it too much when you got too close.      

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I'm ready for fall, but the woods aren't quite.      

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A couple of weeks and these hills will be ablaze with color.

Hope I'm not working too much and miss it.      

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The weed women are at it again . I think I even heard whispers of fall mulching. Will they ever stop?     

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Hurrincane Hanna hit this weekend and dumped five inches of rain on us out here in the sticks.

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August ain't called the dog days of summer for nothing, though August really hasn't been that bad the last couple of years

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The Hibiscus are blooming.

They're pretty cool. The blossoms start out like minature "Feed Me Seymour!" plants, then they burst into these red petals.     

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Nice hot weekend to spend at the lake.     

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Nice hot weekend to spend by the pool.     

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Blogger isn't letting me post pictures today, so I'll throw up a summery here.

Jen's Mom came down this weekend and worked us like dogs.

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It's like a science project. You read the assignment, put it together like the instructions say, then wait and see if it works.

So far the self watering reservoirs (which I should get a picture of, you'll never believe how it works!) have emptied themselves in less than 24hrs.

The baskets aren't as decorative as I'd like (I want some kind of hanging cover), but we'll make sure the plants actually produce before we get into aesthetics. And yes there are plants there. If you look real close, you can see the green sprigs hanging out of the bottoms.

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Not even the rain keeps us from our yard work.

Is it ever going to end?

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So much yard work to do. Hopefully by the time summer roles around, we'll be done or ready for round two.

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Did some hiking this weekend.

Three guesses where?

This was Gretchen's first backpacking trip and probably CJ's last. He seemed to enjoy it and do pretty well the first day, but the second day was a little rough.  Not bad for a twelve year old mutt.

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Global warming is changing the nursery ryhmes, though "January showers bring April flowers" doesn't have quite the same ring.

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Spring has sprung or at least it's trying.

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With the help of my parents, we made a lot of progress on our trim project.

Taking a week off to do it was good. Being sick for half that week was not.

Stay tuned for trim project updates. I tried my best to keep a good photo journal of all the work, but there was a lot going on all at once all week.

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I needed a bigger wheel barrow.

Jen and I are on vacation this week. The plan is to do all the house work we've been neglecting since the beginning of the year.

Today we started with yardwork and

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So many pictures of the dog!

This was another first for her. She actually ran completely across a creek!

Exciting huh? 

Yeah well, that's all I've got these days.

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Working so much during the week leaves me with very little movtivation for the weekends. Besides hiking the dogs, the only other thing I managed this weekend was repotting a couple of plants.

Watch out! I'm on a roll!

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Gretchen submitted a request for more freedom. Though she did not get approval for full house roaming, she did get her kitchen area expanded to include the other side.

We'll see how long it takes her to eat one of the plants or chew through the wires.

She also got a new bed. This is her fourth if I remember correctly. Two and three are still around, so I'm not sure why she needed a fourth - regardless of the fact she's currently laying on the cold floor at my feet and not in the cozy bed.

Crazy dog.

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A week after Gretchen (allegedly) snacked on rat poison, she's still around. She had a blood test done Friday that proved normal, though the Dr. wants to extend her vitamin K therapy another two weeks. 

So far that's a $300 snack my dear. Hope you liked it.

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Yeah yeah. We've all see salt covered cars before, but in these parts it's been a while. Truth is I went through a lot to get my truck to look this way. Or maybe I'm just out of practice with winter weather driving.

The trip to Julian was WAY more then I expected.

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It's been a while since I've updated the "weekly" picture. I guess, since it's winter,  I was waiting for another opportunity with snow.

Though this was mostly ice. It limited some of the things we could try in the Jeep in the north central mountains of PA.

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Jeff and I successfully completed the ADK Winter Mountaineering School. Here's our group reaching the top of Wright Peak at 4,580 ft. on Sunday Jan. 6 around noon time. 

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