Solar Data

In late July of 2010 we had a 32 panel photovoltaic solar array installed on the roof of our house. That's 32, 215w BP solar panels for a total of 6,880w. There are two SMA Sunny Boy grid-tied inverters. One is the 5000. The other the 3000. Handling 5,000 and 3,000 watts respectively. After much hassle, the system was finally turned on and recording production September 5th. Since then I've been recording said production for some kind of analysis.

It's all still very "in process" as I work out what the numbers mean to me or anyone else for that matter.

The first image is a quick summary for 2010. Click on the image to go to the details. Use the Back button to get back here.

The next three images are each of the individual months for which I have data in 2010. You can click on the red/green bars representing a days production to drill into the details for that day. Such details will show you when the production was greatest for that day, how consistant production was, etc. The majority of the daily charts max out at 7,000w in 10 minute intervals. Only a few times in September did we produce greater than 7,000w in a 10 minute period. Use the Back button to get back here.

Starting in 2011 I'll probably go to a an 8,000 or even 10,000w scale for a better visual representation across the daily data. As you'll probably notice, I have yet to decide on a consistant monthly maximum output value by which to scale the monthly summaries. Like I said, it's still in process and will require some tweaking.



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