Thanksgiving Relay       
Nov. 26, 2008

What to do the night before Thanksgiving with half a sixtel of beer?


Take some barn ruins in the woods, beers, a slippery short course and you've got the makings of a hellacious good time.

Hmmm. How do you get the keg in there?

Single speed beer meister that's how.        

We opted for the long uphill back road route over the busy main thorough-fair.

The group formed a protective shield around the precious cargo and out we rode.

Like a super tanker in the air refueling fighters, the shield took turns taking pulls off the tap as we climbed.

It's the ultimate in hydration technology.

An aid to you and your fellow riders.

Ironically, just as we hit the trail head, a statey rolled by. He slowed for a minute, but into the woods we disappeared.  

The rules were simple.

Split into two teams (the hardest part).

A member from each team pounds a pounder before their lap, then sprints out the short loop.

Every drop must be drunk.

No spilling.


The Commish was gentlemanly enough to pound one for the nondrinker who was still required to throw back some Pelligrino (Yes we're high class hooligans). 

Drinking between laps was obviously required.  

The Commish and Yarnall staging for their lap. 

Beers back!



The course started over a tumbled rock wall,
down a slippery slope,
along an excrutiating flat rail road bed,
quick turn (or slide) up into the twisties,
climb some roots/rocks,
continue climbing,
sailing smooth downhill with slippery twists and logs at the bottom.
Through the trees
you're done. 

Then the shotguns started firing. 

Same rules. No spillage, drink it all, but now you drank it faster.

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