Poison Spider and Portal Trail
April 29, 2006


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There are wo things I've always heard about Moab. "You have to do the Portal Trail" and "The Poison Spider trail isn't worth all the sand." What I hadn't heard was you have to do the Poison Spider trail to get to the Portal Trail. What the hell - let's ride. We decided to ride to the trailhead from town. It was a little over ten miles I think on the road. Along the way we passed these huge cliffs with Indian drawings. 

The drawings were actually eye level. The picture above is just me looking up to the top. Below are the drawings. 

Something else people in the past had failed to mention to me about the Poison Spider trail is that it's a multi-use trail. There are jeeps,
dirtbikes, etc. out there with you. It turned out to be quite entertaining watching the jeeps do the different obstacles, though my pictures really
don't give you the perspective you need to see how steep this stuff was. This little hill was almost twice the length of the Jeep and too steep
to walk up.

Some more Jeep fun.  

This was looking back across the landscape we had ridden across. Like people said there was sand, but it wasn't that bad.

One of our many little pit-stops along the way. There was a lot of climbing. Basically we climbed from the point where we left the road to the
beginning of the Portal Trail.

Craig now posing for a shot.

And another pit-stop.

This spot marked the end of the Poison Spider trail and the beginning of the Portal. The Portal trail basically runs along the edge of the
cliff/ridge behind us. When I say edge, I mean edge. In the valley below you can see Moab. That's where we started and ended this ride.


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